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Projects Wall

An online platform aimed at collectively developing solutions to different organizations’ needs.

The concept is simple: you bring problems specific to your organization and/or you help resolve shared problems. 
The goal: to have a collective result which would be unattainable separately.
Le Lounge Online is open to everyone: private world with startups, independent people, SMEs, people who are transitioning careers, and multinationals. However, it is also open to the public world: organizations, cities, regions. We want to bring like-minded people from different professions and profiles. A diversity of people is the best way to get different angles!  
How Does it Work?

Request your access to the Project Wall and connect.
Then, you have two possibilities:
  1. Share your current problems.
  2. Participate in projects (yours as well as the ones that interest you).
The management of the collaboration will be launched and followed by Le Lounge Online. The needs are regrouped into a common problem. A project has to concern multiple startups or individuals. You are not obliged to create projects to participate.
The Projects wall enables you to innovate and work in an open ecosystem to generate more value faster.
Personalized walls can be created based on demand. For example, we have developed a Projects Wall for PULSE, a startup incubator of the Universities of Applied Science, Arts and Business of Geneva (Hautes Écoles Spécialisées de Genève).
Why is the Projects Wall Unique? 
It lets you have an exponential impact thanks to the collective dimension.
It helps you access a mutualization of resources because we connect strangers and create a collective dynamic.
Leave the classical, overpriced, and time consuming consulting approaches behind and come get out of your comfort zone!
Whoever you are, you can participate.
What is My Benefit When I Bring a Project?
Have more resources for your projects, make your projects more collectively visible, and attract otherwise unattainable talents. Everything you cannot resolve alone, come resolve together!
What is My Benefit When I Contribute to a Project?
Extend your network, work with new people, be part of a team, as well as discovering new professions and industries. Come to make yourself visible in action!
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